Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I need a referral from my doctor to get an appointment? Although many of our referrals are physician-initiated, we would be happy to see you or your child on a self-referral basis as well. Medicare requires a physician referral for neuropsychological evaluation services but most other insurance companies do not require a referral. 2. What happens during the evaluation? There are two required parts of the evaluation, and a third optional part. The first part involves a clinical interview with the psychologist to discuss your background and the issues that are concerning you. The information gained during this interview, along with a review of your or your child's medical and/or school records, will be used to design a test battery that will help to answer the specific areas of concern. The actual test session is the second part of the evaluation (described in the next section). The third, optional part, is a feedback session with the psychologist to discuss the results of the evaluation and the recommendations. Parents almost always participate in this latter part. Older adults often meet with their physician to discuss the evaluation findings along with the results of other testing the physician has ordered; however, they are always welcome to also meet with the psychologist for a detailed discussion of their test results. 3. What is the test session like? The length of the test session varies depending on the number and type of tests administered. The session will typically start in the morning and may continue into the afternoon after a lunch break. Preschool or early elementary-age children typically complete testing over one or two morning sessions. The exact length of time depends on the number and types of tests administered, and also on how quickly you or your child completes the tasks. Breaks are offered throughout the session as needed. If the person being tested begins to fatigue, or if a child becomes too distracted as the day progresses, we can complete the testing on another day. 4. How do I prepare for the test session? You should schedule your evaluation on a day when you have no other time commitments. During the school year, children will need to miss a day of school, for which we will provide a school excuse. Young children will need to miss one or two mornings of school. You or your child should get a good night’s sleep the night before, and eat a good breakfast. You should either bring a lunch or make plans to visit a nearby restaurant for lunch, which we take around noon. We have a kitchen with refrigerator/freezer and microwave, which you are welcome to use. We offer a variety of complimentary coffee, tea, and hot chocolate with whipped cream or marshmallows. You should bring your reading glasses and/or hearing aids, if you have them. If you tend to feel chilled indoors, you may want to bring a sweater or light jacket. 5. What will I be doing during the test session? Most people find the activities enjoyable and interesting. Children, in particular, usually enjoy the extended one-on-one attention from an adult! Many of the activities will seem like school-type tasks, while others will be like nothing you have experienced before. We will ask you to remember some things, draw some things, and figure some things out. There is nothing invasive about the testing, and you may want to assure your child that they will not get a shot (they may secretly harbor this fear). We take for granted all our brains do, and the testing will make you more aware of all its complexities! 6. What does the neuropsychological evaluation show? While an MRI or CT scan shows the structure of the brain, and an EEG shows the electrical activity of the brain, the neuropsychological evaluation shows the functioning of the brain. The domains assessed generally include mental status, intellectual functioning, memory, language, visuospatial processing, executive functioning (e.g. planning, organizing, reasoning, problem solving, behavioral inhibition), attention and concentration, and sensorimotor functioning. Additionally, emotional and behavioral functioning is assessed. In some cases academic achievement will also be assessed, especially when there are concerns for possible dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia. 7. How is knowing this information useful? Understanding the cause of a person’s cognitive, emotional, or behavioral difficulties is a key factor in planning an effective and efficient intervention, which then allows the person to address the problem and move forward in his or her life. Otherwise, the problem will remain as a stumbling block in the person’s life and cause unnecessary struggles and unhappiness. 8. How are the findings of the evaluation conveyed?
The results and recommendations may be discussed one-on-one with the psychologist in a
feedback session, during which any questions are answered and any concerns addressed.
The results also are included in a detailed report that is sent to the doctor who referred you
and also is available to you
9. Do you accept insurance? We are network providers for some plans and can file as out-of-network providers for other plans. We will discuss this with you when you call. We currently are in-network with BCBS, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Tricare and Traditional Medicare. If you would like to use your insurance, we will contact your insurance company to ask about your benefits and coverage. We will then discuss with you the coverage offered by your plan, including any deductible or copay you may have, which will be due at the time of service. We will then file a claim for the services that have been provided. 10. I have additional questions; what should I do? WE ARE COMMITTED TO HELPING INDIVIDUALS ACHIEVE THEIR ULTIMATE POTENTIAL AND ENHANCE THEIR QUALITY OF LIFE

Suite 110
McKinney, TX 75070
Telephone: 214-585-0584
Fax: 214-585-0586